Bump/Taper Tubing

Bump tubing, or taper tubing, are extrusions that vary in diameter through the length of the tubing. Typically, the proximal end of the bump tube (the end closest to the device operator) is the larger of the two diameters, while the distal end is smaller. 

Bump tubes are great for combining devices where varying component diameters are necessary. Taper tubing makes connecting components simpler as they do not require additional processes or materials to join together devices.

Taper tubing can be extruded in multi-lumen configurations as well. This allows the easier insertion of instruments and drugs during minimally invasive procedures. Bump tubing can also be manufactured from a range of materials and in a variety of configurations. The length of the transition(s), and outside diameters, can also be customized as needed.


Pebax®     Nylon     HDPE     LDPE     TPU     PVC     PEEK     FEP     ​Polycarbonite     PET

PLLA     PLGA     PLA     PGA